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The Daily Affirmation Handbook


In his famous book, The Strangest Secret, Earl Nightingale stated, you are what you think. You become what you think about most of the time. He believed that if a person only feeds his mind with negative thoughts, he will experience life through a dark lens.

Small things that shouldn’t affect him will ultimately become bigger than they really are because their mind is focused on the worst possible outcome rather than the best. He talked about how a person who lives with mostly negative thoughts will focus his mind on all his problems rather than the opportunities before him.


Unfortunately, many people today, live with this kind of mindset. With the 24/7 access to media outlets around the world, it’s no wonder more, and more people are unable to achieve a blissful and positive state of mind. Today’s media knows that “negative news sells,” which provides them with the justification to engage in fear mongering. Sadly, it works. This is because we are designed to survive, rather than thrive. While this is beneficial for us as a species, focusing our brains on survival, it does nothing to guarantee our personal success. If it did, there would be more people flourishing both financially and personally.

Fortunately, our minds are incredibly powerful and are capable of incredibly awesome things. Our job is to stand guard at the doors of our thoughts and feed it empowering words. This is where positive affirmations come into play.


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