A hangover occurs when a person consumes large amounts of alcohol. The symptoms range from feeling tired and lethargic, headache, vomiting, dizziness, dehydration, and overall feeling like crap. The good news is hangovers can be cured, and prevented with a few steps and a little discipline. Hangovers occur because of two basic things; dehydration and toxicity.
In this report I will be covering the many ways to avoid hangovers and what you can do to prevent them. We will actually go into detail and dissect hangovers. We will discuss what happens when hangovers occur, why, and what you can start doing before you even drink to avoid having to deal with hangovers so you can be up and going the next day as if nothing ever happened.
So pay close attention and take down notes if needed so the next time you decide to throw down alcohol like there’s no tomorrow you will be prepared to take care of you and your body.
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